EP 89: The Biggest Barrier to Your Success is YOU

No one likes to hear this, but it's true: the biggest barrier to your success is you.

Admitting and accepting this may be uncomfortable, but it's essential for taking ownership...

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EP 88: Deconstructing Womenā€™s Development Programs: What they are, what theyā€™re not and why we need them

I can tell you firsthand that the property and construction industry is tough. And unsurprisingly, itā€™s even tougher for women.

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EP 87: MEN - We Need You! The Indispensable role of Male Allies

Men, we need you. There, I said it. But it is absolutely the truth. If we want to continue to be a thriving, sustainable, and profitable...

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EP 86: You are Worth It: How to Seize Opportunities in the face of Doubt

I recently spoke with a powerful woman in our industry, and we talked about the progress we've made. There are so many more opportunities for women than there used to be. But even with all these openings, women still hesitate to step into...

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EP 85: From the Broken Rung to the Glass Ceiling: The Systemic Challenges Keeping Women Stuck - Part 2

The construction and property industry is a powerhouse, but for women, navigating this sector can feel like climbing a wall with no footholds.

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EP 84: From the Broken Rung to the Glass Ceiling: The Systemic Challenges Keeping Women Stuck - Part 1

The journey towards gender equality is riddled with obstacles that hinder progress and limit opportunities for women. The first step to tearing these barriers down is to...

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EP 83: Closing the Gender Pay Gap: 5 Steps to Move the Needle

Today, weā€™re continuing our conversation around the gender pay gap.

Last week, we delved into the complexities of this issue, and now I want to look to the future...

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EP 82: Understanding the Gender Pay Gap

Picture this: for every dollar a man pockets in Australia, a woman is left with just 78 cents in her purse.

Itā€™s the unfortunate reality according to...

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EP 81: Ambition is not a dirty word

As leaders and as women in a male-dominated space, we often struggle to articulate what it is we are working towards, or we have disempowering beliefs about what is possible...

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I acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the lands on which I conduct my business, the Wangal and Gadigal Peoples of the Eora Nation. I pay my respects to their Elders past, present and emerging, and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait peoples.